How to remove all old posts from your Facebook Timeline

First and foremost, make sure you know what your Timeline looks like to public users (anyone who is not your Facebook friend). To do this, go to your Timeline, click on the three dots to the right of the Activity Log button, choose “View as…,” and you should see this:

Fix your Timeline settings

Next up, let’s make sure your Timeline settings are what you want them to be. Once again, click on the security lock in the top-right on Facebook and click on Timeline and Tagging Settings in the left pane.
Make sure the first, fourth, fifth and seventh options are set to “Friends,” or whatever you personally prefer:

Deep Facebook cleaning

If these tips didn’t do the trick for your yet, there’s also the option to work with a Chrome extension like Facebook Post Manager. However, these tend to be a little bit aggressive — so watch out when you’re using them.
There you go — that’s it!
You’ve cleaned your Facebook Timeline from old, forgotten posts. You can now go on and live your life without having to worry someone runs into an embarrassing picture or status update from 2009.